Computer Science Essay Examples

Most students of computer sciences know where to find referencing guides to support their studies. However, when it comes to a computer science essay sample or a sample of a more advanced academic paper – there are not too many options out there. This page is a rare exception. It was specifically designed to provide students of computer sciences with plentiful resources on this subject, including examples of computer science essays, term papers, and even theses. Take a deep dive into a vast ocean of subcategories full of exemplary academic papers on IT and computer studies. Experts from well-known companies, like have dedicated an extensive amount of man-hours into making this page as helpful as possible for people from academic and business.

Addiction Essay

An addiction essay tells you almost everything you need to know about substance abuse and drug addiction. Addiction essays can be a source of information and often an addiction essay paper focuses on research. Addiction essay has gained a lot of importance...

Propaganda Essay

Today you can find many essays on propaganda. Whether to promote a cause or for a research you might require to write an essay on propaganda. It is not the propaganda essay itself but the interesting content that lures readers. A propaganda...

Vulnerabilities on the Web #2 Essay

The rapid growth to social media has changed the way in which people communicate. No longer are adults relying on communication through the phone, or in the face to face contact, but forgoing to email, text, of instant message one another. Gone...