Academic Style

Just like any specific kind of paper, academic papers have their own individual style. This special style is an academic style. Academic style implies several basic points that differ academic style from informal one. What guidelines should a student follow in order to write his/her academic paper in a specific academic style? proposes the following essay advantages.

The Basic Features of Tentative Language

First of all, you should suggest, but not assert. In other words, you should use tentative language but not assertive. It means that in the world of science there are very few things that can be defined exactly. Common knowledge is also arguable as it is frequently based on myths and misconceptions. In order to avoid excessive assertiveness and uncertain terminology you should use some cautious expressions that are basic features of tentative language. For example, in academic style words ‘probably’ and ‘possibly’ are preferable to be changed to ‘surely’ or ‘obviously’. It is, probably, the main difference of academic style from any other style. Also, one must avoid uncertain generalization – say ‘majority’ instead of ‘all’. Thus, you will eliminate questions about your sources of certain information. Formal style instructs you to suggest, to advice and to propose rather than to state. Do not forget that you are just writing an academic paper and you are not prolific scientist – your self-confident style will look ridiculous if you fail to follow the guidelines of academic style.

When it comes to arguments you must be precise. You should know the active glossary of the subject and operate it easily. Academic style also includes powerful words that say a lot in a few words or sound more persuasive than other do: instead of verb ‘say’ you may use ‘state’, ‘disagree’, ‘propose’, ‘claim’, etc. Avoid being too verbose. Everything that is of dubious importance must be cut and edited so as to shorten and empower your text as much as possible. If you need some example formal style suggests that you choose the most well-known one, say, not local chocolate brand but ‘Mars’ Thus you will make yourself sound more persuasive.

Following Academic Style

Most popular mistakes that lead to failing to write in academic style are connected with informal language. Scientists never say ‘cool’ or ‘awful’. Academic style implies phrases like ‘substantiated paper’ or ‘poorly written paper’. Avoid using contractions like it’s or don’t. It is a feature of a spoken language, but not academic one. Also, avoid such informal logical connectors as ‘moreover’ and ‘besides’ because they mean that the following information is more important than previous. It is inadmissible to understate some information in this way. Whether you are writing a geography paper, a plot analysis, a travel essay, or a friend essay, make sure you are formal language in your work.

Undoubtedly, the more academic works you read, the easier it is for you to fallow academic style. If you feel that it is a problem for you to use impersonal language and find powerful verbs, you have a brilliant opportunity to ask for academic writing assistance! Our writing service includes correcting, proofreading and custom writing of your academic papers. Feel free to use it as what we really strive for is professionally written non-plagiarized essay! Try ordering papers from Innovative Writing Assistance Agency and get, properly cited writing samples.

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