How to Write Faster: Tips to Improve Your Writing Speed

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While every writer has their own ways to improve personal effectiveness, here are some universal tips that work for everyone. They relate to time, place, and partly to working conditions. 

When to Write

All people differ in their talents and skills, character traits, temperament, preferences for when to go to bed and get up in the morning. Your first challenge is to understand your individual biorhythms. For example, your most productive time to work might be in the early morning or a few hours before bedtime.

For most writers, the most productive hours are from 8 am to 12 am, and then from 2 pm to 5 pm. But for writing, it is still recommended selecting the morning, because at this time the consciousness still retains its “purity”, and daytime buzz and thoughts do not have time yet to entirely occupy the head.

Even if you haven’t had time to work productively in the morning, do it before lunch. Moreover, the most time-consuming writing tasks are best done first, and something trivial can be left for later, including in the afternoon. Keep in mind that the earlier you get up, the more you can write, and remember to eat on time and take breaks throughout the day.

Where to Write

If you are not tied to a workplace in the office, you need to find “your” place at home, where it will be comfortable and convenient to write.

Try to work in different places: in different rooms, in the kitchen, in the living room, on the balcony or terrace if your house has one. If you are bored with the atmosphere in the apartment and want to have some change, get out into nature, a park, or a cozy café to change your surroundings and bring a little variety to your writer’s life.

In What Conditions to Write

There are different opinions on whether to write in silence or not. Some experts argue that at least some background noise is beneficial for creativity. For example, sounds from the street make work a little more difficult, which forces the brain to be even more active and think more creatively.

Of course, some people like to write in complete silence. If you belong to this category, try to maximize this character trait – create conditions in which nothing distracts you, and write in a calm atmosphere. 

Nevertheless, many people find it more pleasant to write with some kind of musical accompaniment, but it should be selected correctly. For example, choose songs without words or with their minimum number. Perceiving someone else’s speech, the brain will be greatly distracted by processing the words. When checking what has been written, it is generally better to turn off the music to focus as much as possible.

In any case, for a good start, try different options: write in silence, to music, to different noises (rain, waves, wind, etc.). Through trial and error, you will inevitably find your perfect setting. Generally, this happens very quickly, because most people can understand how they work for a specific soundtrack in a matter of minutes.

General Writing Tips

To write even faster, here are some general writing tips:

  • It is recommended that you make a plan before writing any piece. This greatly reduces the time to think about where to start and which elements to use.
  • Do not correct mistakes while writing the text. Perform all proofreading functions when the text is ready (the first draft).
  • Write and type measuring speed. Note the time it takes you to write a certain number of characters, and try to shorten it.
  • If you have to type on a computer, be sure to master one of the fast typing methods readily available online.
  • Create a ritual for yourself, after which you immediately get to work. Form a conditioned reflex; for example, start writing as soon as you finish your morning coffee.
  • If you work as a copywriter or blogger, try to choose topics that are familiar to you, in which you are knowledgeable and passionate.
  • Find writing-friendly furniture. You should have a comfortable and spacious desk, and a cozy, ergonomic chair. Both the desk and chair should be appropriate for your height – not too low or too high.
  • Observe your body. When sitting working at your desk, make sure your knees are bent at right (straight) angles, your back is straight (do not slouch or protrude your chest), and the distance between the desk and your chest is about two palms wide.

By taking the optimal body position, correctly positioning your laptop or stationary computer, using the right furniture, and working with your mouse and keyboard ergonomics, you will write much faster. That has been proven by practice. And something else to note: today it is known for certain that anyone can learn to write quickly, regardless of their age, background, or physical capabilities.