What Biology Can Teach Humans – An Argumentative Essay

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Biology and mankind history are alike

The laws of biology are intertwined with the laws of history. Walking on a summer day in the forest, we observe myriads of running, jumping, climbing, crawling, flying, and other creatures. At our approach, they all tend to hide as soon as possible: a flock of birds soars up into the sky, the fish spread out in all directions. At such moments, you suddenly realize that our kind is only a dangerous minority among the living creatures inhabiting the planet. As all these animals hide in panic upon seeing us, we feel like strangers, invading their home without the knowledge or invitation.

The whole history and all the achievements of mankind are woven into the common history of all living things – our economic competition, the pursuit of friendship and love, hunger, suffering, and war are all akin to what struggles, seeks, fights, and suffers under a fallen tree, in a pond, among foliage and branches.

Our life is a competition

Human life is a competition, an everlasting war for vital resources. When food is enough, it runs peacefully, but if there are more mouths than spoons, it takes cruel and bloody forms. Animals eat each other without a twinge of conscience, while “civilized” people exterminate their own kind in the manner prescribed by law.

Cooperation is entirely possible and contributes to social development. However, this is due to the fact that it is also a tool and a form of competition. We work together within our group – family, community, club, church community, party, race, and so on, in order to become stronger to compete with other cooperating groups. Cooperation is just a way to become more competitive. The competing groups have the same qualities as the individuals they are made of: thirst for wealth accumulation and profit, belligerence, prejudice, vanity.

The organizations and states that we form, function in the same way as we do individually, though magnify the evil and good in us into much larger proportions. They are made of people, who are thirsty for profit, greedy, who want war because the memory of millennia of battles for survival flows in our veins. We want to get enough now out of fear that soon this will no longer be possible. War is a way of saturating nations; it is the ultimate form of competition. As long as our states do not become members of one large group united under a common goal, they will always behave like competing groups of animals, such as rats.

Natural selection and variability

Natural selection is necessary for the survival of an organism or a group. When competing for food, mate, or influence, some organisms succeed while others fail. Some approach the battle for existence more prepared than others. Due to the fact that nature (the totality of all life on the planet) did not read the Declaration of Human Rights very carefully, we are all born into the world not free and not equal. From the very beginning, we are imprisoned in the dungeons of physiological and psychological heredity, rituals, and the traditions of the groups to which we belong.

We are completely endowed with physical and mental abilities, personal qualities, and character traits to varying degrees. Nature is very fond of diversity, because it helps to carry out selection, and with it – evolution. Just as hundreds of minor differences can be found between identical twins, there will never be two absolutely identical drops of water.

Equality utopias are biologically doomed to failure. The best a peacekeeper can count on is conditional equality granted by law and social institutions, such as the general system of education. Thus, a society that gives a chance to develop and manifest all the potential abilities of its members will receive a serious competitive advantage over others in the overall struggle for survival. The latter, however, will become only fiercer with time, given the impact of technological progress and reduction of distances.

Abundance as a prerequisite for the survival of the fittest

Both organisms and groups, strictly speaking – all living things, must necessarily produce their own kind. Otherwise, they are of no interest to nature and will simply die out. Nature craves quantity as a prerequisite for the selection of the highest quality.

Biology favors abundance, which leads to the survival of the most stubborn and the fittest individuals. Nature is much more interested in species than in specific individuals, and therefore does not see much difference between civilization and barbarism.

The bottom line

Those humans or the human-made institutions, which neglect the laws of biology or place themselves above the other living creatures, often pay the price. Despite all our internal disagreements and problems of modern-day life, humanity must learn to live in harmony with Mother Nature and learn the lessons it has been teaching us for ages.