Essay Samples

Essay writing is so widespread at high schools and colleges that there is hardly any student on Earth who has never written at least a few essays during their college life. Professors from universities use essays as a basis for testing students’ knowledge and skills in a wide range of disciplines. If you are one of those students overloaded with essay assignments, this page is your best find. Here, you will find hundreds of essay examples on all popular academic topics and disciplines. Moreover, has made sure that all visitors of this page will also find here plenty of essay writing tutorials, references, guides, and other studying materials to cover all their academic needs. Bookmark this page to be able to return here the next time you will be facing a difficult essay task or will just be overwhelmed with multiple other assignments, leaving no time for essay tasks.

How to Write a GRE Essay

Every student has a moment in life when he asks himself a question: “how to write a GRE essay”.  Students are tensed with their projects that carry many marks. Essay writing assignment for them is like a nightmare. Many find it difficult for...

Individual Essay Format

There are a lot of individual essays, articles, and autobiographies etc that are written by individuals about themselves. An individual essay format can be written by anyone. The term individual when looked up in the dictionary means that an individual is someone or...

Argument Essay for When it’s Too Early to Say I love You

Love and Attachment in Early Development Essay Attachment theory describes relationships between humans. While it can refer to personal connections made and held throughout the lifetime, the theory is often employed to study the development of the first relationships in a human...

Determinism and Free Will Essay

Michael Gazzaniga’s Gifford Lectures “What We Are” and “Free Yet Determined and Constrained Gazzaniga’s Gifford Lectures of 2009 fall within the broader project of a humanism – in the sense of the place and role of human beings in the cosmos –...

A Clockwork Orange Essay

To write a good clockwork orange essay, you require to have read the novel rather thoroughly, understanding the intricate themes and concepts of the novel by Anthony Burgess. Orange essay writing is not really a hassle to any student anymore, you have...