Essay Samples

Essay writing is so widespread at high schools and colleges that there is hardly any student on Earth who has never written at least a few essays during their college life. Professors from universities use essays as a basis for testing students’ knowledge and skills in a wide range of disciplines. If you are one of those students overloaded with essay assignments, this page is your best find. Here, you will find hundreds of essay examples on all popular academic topics and disciplines. Moreover, has made sure that all visitors of this page will also find here plenty of essay writing tutorials, references, guides, and other studying materials to cover all their academic needs. Bookmark this page to be able to return here the next time you will be facing a difficult essay task or will just be overwhelmed with multiple other assignments, leaving no time for essay tasks.

Essay on Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden Essay While many people think of the Civil War as a war over the issue of slavery, the truth is that it was much more complex than that. Slavery was a major issue, of course, but the causes of...

Essay About Abraham Lincoln

An essay about Abraham Lincoln may be particularly necessary for college students while doing projects on history. Also, this work may be of interest to professors of history and perhaps librarians. It is not very difficult to find information about Abraham Lincoln...

Father and Son Essay

Father and Son Essay is written by students, teachers and authors from various parts of the world and they enjoy a global popularity. Father Essay brings to the forefront the wonderful relationship between father and child. Father Essay conveys that, as a...

IB Extended Essay

The IB extended essay is part of the requirements of the International Baccalaureate high school curriculum. It is a 4,000-word essay that each student is expected to research and write independently. The rationale for the assignment is to provide an opportunity for...

New York Essay

What has a new york essay got to do with GMAT scores? Plenty, if the essay topic happens to be New York City. If you are a borderline case in a highly ranked B-school, the GMAT new york essay scores may help...