Essay Samples

Essay writing is so widespread at high schools and colleges that there is hardly any student on Earth who has never written at least a few essays during their college life. Professors from universities use essays as a basis for testing students’ knowledge and skills in a wide range of disciplines. If you are one of those students overloaded with essay assignments, this page is your best find. Here, you will find hundreds of essay examples on all popular academic topics and disciplines. Moreover, has made sure that all visitors of this page will also find here plenty of essay writing tutorials, references, guides, and other studying materials to cover all their academic needs. Bookmark this page to be able to return here the next time you will be facing a difficult essay task or will just be overwhelmed with multiple other assignments, leaving no time for essay tasks.

Free Higher Education Essay

Higher Education in a Global Context Essay The higher education systems in the United States and Saudi Arabia share a number of common traits, while also exhibiting characteristics that are unique to each system. It is also possible to find points of...

Global Warming Argumentative Essay

The essay you read below will be on: “global warming argumentative essay”. This is an example to help you do your job. Global Warming and Its Acceptance in the United States and Israel Essay This article discusses the connection that exists between greenhouse...

The Uses of Islam Essay

The religion of Islam, with its strong foundation, has had its fair share of followers that have influenced both Muslims and non-Muslims. For Muslims, much of their influence is directly correlated to the inevitable result of this life, which is an afterlife....

America’s War on Poverty Essay

The whole world faces a specific need to face different issues of development which includes the need to fight against poverty. The following textual analysis paper will focus on the issue on the need for “war on poverty” among the Americans. Martha...

Water Features in Landscape Essay

Major advances have been made to explore the correlation between landscapes and human health and wellbeing. A particular concern is the features of restorative or therapeutic landscape (Velarde at al., 2007). Identifying the features that should be applied to landscape design is...