Essay Samples

Essay writing is so widespread at high schools and colleges that there is hardly any student on Earth who has never written at least a few essays during their college life. Professors from universities use essays as a basis for testing students’ knowledge and skills in a wide range of disciplines. If you are one of those students overloaded with essay assignments, this page is your best find. Here, you will find hundreds of essay examples on all popular academic topics and disciplines. Moreover, has made sure that all visitors of this page will also find here plenty of essay writing tutorials, references, guides, and other studying materials to cover all their academic needs. Bookmark this page to be able to return here the next time you will be facing a difficult essay task or will just be overwhelmed with multiple other assignments, leaving no time for essay tasks.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

Rhetoric is a term used to describe how a speaker or a writer impacts the target auditorium using their composition. When you break down the piece into simple parts, you are taking part in rhetorical analysis of the author’s work. A rhetorical...

Cause and Effect Essay Examples

A cause and effect essay explores the reason for something that happened and the consequences of the occurrence. This kind of essay is often part of another essay or complete stand-alone work. The student’s ability to get to the root of the...

Self Identity Essay

Self-identity is a collection of ideas that defines an individual. This concept embodies everything a person deduces after a wholesome evaluation of their past and current beliefs and personality traits. An undetermined amount of the individual’s beliefs develop as a result or...

Book vs Movie Essay

In popular culture, the arguments about the ability of movies to accurately portray the emotions in a book are never-ending. While most critics claim that movies trade authenticity for entertainment, others believe that movies help the readers to assimilate the information in...

Night Essay Examples

Books from any era often cover the zeitgeist. By reading them, one can notice recurring patterns and understand the mentality of the people living in those periods. So, when discussing such periods, one should pay attention to the cornerstone events that defined...