Top 10 Reasons to Attend College in 2021

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Over the past few decades, the discussion around the usefulness of a four-year degree has picked up steam. Most people believe it is essential for further development, while others believe it is a complete waste of time. With the current pandemic and uncertainty, the appeal of college life is at an all-time low.

However, don’t let the state of things lead you into misguided life-changing decisions. College is essential, regardless of the pandemic. After all, we all hope life will return to normal quite soon. So, we will share ten of the most relevant reasons why you should attend college in 2021.

Better career opportunities

Don’t listen to people who advise against going to college. People like Steve Jobs and other famous college dropouts are one-in-a-billion geniuses. Following their footsteps will lead you straight to a counter in McDonald’s. If you have a marketable talent (in sports or entertainment) that doesn’t require college, you can develop it. If not, a college degree will offer you job security and a chance of a better life.

Valuable connections

College is not just about the degrees but the friends you make and the people you meet. You never know if your roommate will head a company or if your favorite teacher will become the next governor. So, making these connections will place you in a prime position for a better life.

Competitive advantage

Your college degree will always give you a competitive edge over someone that is as qualified. For example, if two applicants have the same experience in fixing cars, and one has a Harvard degree in automotive engineering, you can guess who the employers will favor.

Job security

No matter what, your diploma will always help you secure a job in your field. Maybe not the job of your dreams, but something on which you can thrive. You can always rely on the degree as a fallback plan when everything else doesn’t work out.

Better exposure

College life will expose you to a lot of people, beliefs, and backgrounds. You will get to understand the meaning and impacts of diversity in the community.

Gain independence

When you are in college, you gain a level of independence from your parents – this is called adulting. Although some parents offer monetary support, the college will help you fend for yourself like a proper adult.

Become part of something larger

Most world-wide movements start from college or are popularized there. Attending college will give you the opportunity to participate in social and political programs that are relevant in the world. 


While staying at home, you can never explore your potential as a human. In college, you will get your first experience of ‘surviving in the wild’ without parental guidance. This will help you find out more about yourself and know your place in the world.

Just to have fun

If not for anything, you can go to college just to have fun. Believe this: you will have more free time than you can handle if you play your cards right. You can go to parties, join fraternities or sororities, or support sports teams.

Going to college is not a horror show, as most people will make you believe. Campus life is quite fun if you find the right crowd. You can explore yourself and find out more about other cultures. And if not for any other thing, go to college because of the exciting people you will meet there.