Political Science Writing: Things to Be Reminded Of

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Hello everyone! political science writing 1 We truly hope that each and every of you performed his/her civil duty yesterday and went to the elections to vote. Today it’s already official –  Barack Obama clinched a second term as US President! We or you may not agree, but the nation has made its choice and today someone will party real hard!:) Anyway, we congratulate Obama from the bottom of our heart and looking forward to the “best that is yet to come”.

Using this news hook, we’ve decided to tell you more about writing political essays. The scheme is as usual: make an argument, support it, be creative and actually address the issue. However, there are some peculiarities of the research paper in political science that you should pay attention to. We will discuss the main of them: 1) This type of paper requires lots of research, you cannot just write whatever comes to your mind first.

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2) You can choose from several kinds of questions to tackle:
  • theory-proposing
  • theory-testing
  • stock-taking
  • historical explanation
  • policy analysis
  • predictive projects
The names itself explain what every kind of project covers. 3) To find all the information needed without doubt you have to go to the library. Of course, you can use public domain world wide web, which contains vast array of information. But be aware – due to the fact that anyone can post online, the bigger part of the information in the Internet is useless, incomplete, and almost always of lesser quality than published materials.

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4) Though, your paper can’t be 100% objective, try to stay as impartial and open-minded as possible. You need to consider several possible theories, their pros and cons. No conceptual questions in political science have “once-and-for-all” answers.

5) Your point of view should evolve and become more sophisticated in the process of writing, and you should develop a reasonable level of expertise in the issue. Don’t forget that in college you are expected to think and thinking requires creatively using the knowledge you have acquired to take a clear position on a subject.

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Remember, that politics along with the religion is one of the topic that is better not to have argument on, ‘cos you might not get from it alive. All kidding aside, you main goal here is to support your opinion with real facts and make the reader want to polemize, not to get him annoyed. Good luck with working on your political science paper and keep in mind that BookwormLab.com and it’s professional team is always by your side. Sincerely yours, BookwormLab.com’s team