Holiday&Winter break: What to do? Who to meet? Where to go?

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You worked hard all semester or just worked or even not so much, but that actually doesn’t matter. The important thing is that your deserved Christmas & Winter Break is here! As a real student, who eagerly waited long enough, you need to do your best to make the most out of it! Of course, the best scenario is to take a vacation. Warm beach or snowy mountains – yours choice, just make sure you took everything you need with you, including an awesome fellow traveller. If you are not lucky enough to take a journey, chin up –  there are a lot of other great ways to turn this winter break into legendary one!
    1. Party!
New Year is just around the corner and it’s a great reason to throw a party! Load music, beer and snacks – all good, but try to come up with something really special! Choose a theme! It can be super heroes, geeks, 30ties, Hawaii, military, etc. Then organize everything according to your theme – food, beverages, activities. Think outside the box and this might turn into the best party ever!
Party Hats and Baloons
  • Watch movies!
If you are a socialite, but still fancy a good lazy under blanket day, invite a couple of friends over, but not more than 3. Prepare an enormous bowl of popcorn and a lot of cocoa with marshmallows. Big bed and huge blanket for your little company – here is the receipt. You can do that on your own as well.
Love Actually Poster
Home Alone The Movie Poster Once Upon a Christmas
Here is a list of great winter movies you might wanna watch:
  • Love actually.
  • Once upon a Christmas.
  • Home alone.
  • Curly Sue.
  • A Christmas Carol.
  • Elf.
  • A Christmas Story.
You can also get out of the house and go to the cinema to watch some running movies.
  • Play games!
Arrange a game day! Invite some friends over to take part in a serious Xbox competition with a very reasonable prize. Ask them to bring a lot of junk food like pizza and fries (we know, its unhealthy, but for God’s sake, it’s Holiday Break). If you are not that much of a game console person you can have fun playing such board games as Activity, Scrabble, Monopoly, etc in some bar or pub. You can also imitate a real casino at your place and play roulette or poker, for cookies of course. We don’t want you to become a gambler, you might still need our services in future). If there is snow at your home town – go outside and have a treat of a good old school snow fight! Ice skating will do as well, if there is a frozen lake.
Monopoly The Game
  • Socialize.
Call someone you haven’t seen like for ages, they may be lying bored at home just waiting for your call. Suggest to go to some interesting event, that takes place in your region. It may be an exhibition,show, performance, opening of a club, restaurant, shop, etc . Or you can just take a walk with coffee to go and have a long chat.
  • Do nothing!
That’s right! Do whatever you think falls under that category!
Nothing To Do List
  We can also suggest  that you clean your apartment, start preparing for the next semester or do something you needed to do long ago, but didn’t have time.. But lets face it – Holiday Break is for having fun and being lazy). wishes you all the best in the coming year! Have an exciting and memorable New Year as well as relaxing and joyful Winter Break. See you in 2012) P.S. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures! Sincerely yours, Team