How to Avoid Procrastination – 7 platinum rules

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One of the biggest problems you encounter while writing your college paper is procrastination. One minute you are actually working on your essay, the next one you are already watching the video from the link your friend sent you via Skype. And at the end of the day you realize you spent hours doing nothing and your deadline is still tomorrow. Sounds familiar? We bet! Internet is overfull with articles on time management, on how to concentrate and to avoid procrastination. And the funniest thing is that you need to spend hours reading though all that stuff to come across some really useful tips. To save you time we looked over hundreds of sources and did our best to sort out 7 most important rules you need to follow to make your academic writing as effective as possible. Here they are:

  1. Rearrange your working place. Create a working friendly environment: get rid of everything unnecessary that might distract your attention (discs, magazines,piles of stationery, ?tc ). But don’t overdo! If it turns into just a table with a PC, you won’t have any desire to work at it.
  2. Just get started. Sometimes all you have to do is to put everything aside and actually start writing. Don’t panic under no circumstances!Take it slow, with baby steps – one step at a time.
  3. Create a plan and a schedule. List things you need to do and calculate roughly the time you need to cope with everything. Be realistic and then add 10% to the estimated time to get the actual time.
  4. Prioritise your To-Do list. Classify tasks based on their importance and urgency. Stay focused on the most important things and work on tough assignments first.
  5. Define your motivation. Ask yourself what are you doing this for?Try to change your attitude: you don’t have to do it, you want to do it. Sometimes it helps to scare yourself a bit by thinking of the consequences of your hypothetical failure.
  6. Develop a reward system. Every time you check an item done – please yourself with a little reward. You can turn distractions such as perusing social networks and watching videos into rewards. Don’t forget to give yourself a treat after you are completely done with your college writing assignment.
  7. Turn for help if needed. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others and ask for help!You can ask a friend to help you or turn to professionals like to save you from stress.

Overcoming procrastination is not that hard as you may think, just try to follow the rules stated above and you will get rid of it once and for ever.